Romani Reach


July 7





Mai Residence

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“Romani Reach”
A celebration of Hungarian Music

Sunday July 7, 6pm


Deborah Buck & Min-Young Kim, Violins

Kathryn Lockwood, viola; Caroline Stinson, cello

Orion Weiss, piano; Yousif Sheronick, percussion


One of the most significant musical genres in Hungary is the traditional folk music of the Romani people.  Did you know that non-Hungarian composers like Dvorak, Brahms, Bartok and Ravel, were all inspired and influenced by Romani music.  Romani Reach with bring together both Hungarian and Romani influenced pieces in a Summer Soirees finale not to be missed!


 Advance Tickets: Adults/$50, Student/$20

Tickets on the door: Adults/$55, Students/$25